Tune In to Tune Up

#35 Tune In to Tune Up

January 02, 20243 min read

The year has well and truly started… we’re a week in and I have a bit of a ritual that I do at the beginning of every year to boost my creativity. I create a new Spotify playlist. You see, music has always played a big part in my life. Growing up my Dad was a drummer in rock and country bands, so I’ve always had this connection to creativity through music.

I don’t consider myself particularly musical, I lucked out of having talent with playing the drums but I did play in the good old recorder band at school, later on the violin and in my teenage years tried my hand at guitar but nothing really ever stuck. It wasn’t until I was in my mid twenties that I picked up a bass guitar and that’s the one that stuck. I don’t play anymore but I can honestly say that music has the power to unlock parts of your mind that you didn't even know existed.

As we stride into another year, let's explore a fun and melodious way to boost our creativity – by creating a new Spotify playlist every year!

Why Music Matters

Music can affect our mood, but did you know it can also be a catalyst for creative thinking? There's something about the rhythm, melody, and lyrics that can transport us to different worlds, evoke emotions, and stimulate our minds. It's like each song has its own colour palette and texture that paints unique pictures in our minds.

Curating Your Annual Creativity Playlist

The idea here is simple yet powerful: At the start of each year, begin curating a new Spotify playlist. Mine’s title “2024 Edit” for this year. This isn't just any playlist; it's my personal creativity soundtrack for the year. I add a lot of different music that I’ll add throughout the year. Music that touches my heart and soul, the beats that I find motivating and the ones that add meaning to my life.

Here’s a few ways I go about choosing the songs that matter throughout the year and why I pick what I pick for my playlists:

  1. Diverse Genres, Diverse Thoughts: I fill my playlist with a variety of genres. Mixing classical with hip-hop, jazz with electronic, or folk with rock often leads to a fusion of ideas in my brain. Each genre brings its own flavour of creativity and ideas.

  2. Theme it Up: I will sometimes theme my playlists. Last year I got fixated on 80’s techno songs for the longest of times but the year before it was all about 'soul and rythmn’. I found that oftern these aligned with my goals or mindset for the year.

  3. Add Old and New: Blend in new releases with old favourites. While the classics evoke nostalgia and comfort, new tunes offer fresh perspectives and ideas.

  4. The Power of Lyrics: I pay attention to lyrics. Sometimes, a line from a song can spark an idea or offer a solution I hadn't considered.

The Creative Process

I fin that when I listen to my playlist throughout the year, different songs influence my thinking and mood. I’ll often use my playlist as a background score when brainstorming or tackling a new project. I’ve also come to understand that certain tracks ignite my imagination more effectively.

Yearly Reflections

At the end of the year, I reflect on my playlist and I love seeing my Spotify end of year results. It always shows me something about how my year has gone and what has sparked different moments of creativity for me.

In a world where we're constantly seeking new ways to foster creativity, turning to music can be both a delightful and effective strategy. Your yearly Spotify playlist can be a dynamic and evolving tool in your creative toolkit. So go ahead, start curating your 2024 playlist and let the symphony of creativity begin!

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