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Creative Spark

#33 Igniting Your Creative Spark

December 02, 20233 min read

😍💥🔥🎯 62 Ways to think more creatively #33 IGNITING YOUR CREATIVE SPARK

At heart I’m a self professed dreamer, artist, and thinker. I’m totally convinced that what lies within me is an unquenchable thirst for creation. But did you know that the act of creating can, in itself, become a source of endless inspiration? It's a cycle as beautiful as it is empowering – the more you create, the more you're inspired to create. I can certainly vouch for this. When I’m in my creative flow, the ideas for innovation, creativity and that hit of adrenaline kicks in and before I know it… I’m on a roll. Sometimes I have crazy ideas, like putting timber floor panelling on the ceiling, (fortunately I married an incredible creative in Lincoln who makes my crazy schemes become a reality. He makes all the crazy, practical!!)

The Creative Cycle: A Symphony of Inspiration and Creation

Imagine creativity as a river that flows through you. Each act of creation is like a pebble thrown into this river, creating ripples that spread outwards, touching shores you never knew existed. This is the essence of the creative cycle – a self-sustaining loop of inspiration and creation. Here’s what I’ve discovered works for me:

Cultivating a Consistent Creative Practice: Your Pathway to Unending Ideas

  1. Set Aside Dedicated Time for Creativity: Establish a specific time each day or week solely for creative activities. It could be early in the morning, during a lunch break, or in the evening. The key is consistency. This dedicated time slot becomes a ritual, signaling to your brain that it's time to focus on creative tasks. Whether it's 15 minutes or an hour, having a regular schedule helps in building a habit.

  2. Keep a Creativity Journal: Carry a small notebook or use a digital app to jot down ideas, sketches, or inspirations as they come to you throughout the day. This practice not only ensures that you don’t lose those fleeting creative thoughts but also encourages you to actively look for inspiration in your daily surroundings. Reviewing and adding to this journal can be a part of your dedicated creative time.

  3. Incorporate Creative Exercises into Your Routine: Engage in short, focused creative exercises daily. These can be quick sketching sessions, writing prompts, brainstorming ideas, or even DIY crafts. The objective is to keep your creative muscles active. You can vary these exercises to cover different aspects of creativity – one day it might be visual, another day it could be verbal or musical. Over time, these exercises can significantly enhance your creative skills and thinking.

The Magic of Momentum in Creativity

I’ve found that when I immerse myself in this cycle of creation, my capacity for creativity expands. Each act of creation builds momentum, propelling me towards my next idea. It’s a virtuous cycle – the more I create, the more my reservoir of ideas grows.

Transforming Challenges into Creative Fuel

Even when I face challenges, I’ve found the hidden opportunities to express my creativity in ways that sometimes surprise myself. I’ve kind of adopted the stance to embrace difficulties as catalysts for innovation. One thing I often ask myself is, “How can this challenge spur my creativity?” Often, the most profound ideas arise from the crucible of challenge.

Your Creative Journey: Uniquely Yours

Remember, your creative journey is as unique as you are. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach. What matters is that you keep moving in this cycle, keep creating, and keep exploring. Your journey is about finding your rhythm in the symphony of creation.

Join the Creative Voyage

As a Certified Flourishing Coach, I’ve witnessed the transformative power of the creative cycle firsthand. If you're looking to tap deeper into this cycle, to keep your well of ideas ever-flowing, I’m here to help. Reach out, and together, we can tailor a creative practice that keeps your ideas fresh and your inspiration flowing. Let’s make your creative journey an endless adventure of discovery and joy.

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